Brie Michelle Pulsipher
Born:June 15 th 6:40 pm
Spokane Valley, WA
7 pounds 12 ounces 19 1/2 inches long.
Brie is an amazing little girl! It is so crazy how well she fits into our little family.She is such a little mix of all of us, it is hard to say who she looks like! At her two week checkup she weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces! She is a great little eater and seriously good sleeper! I have had to wake her up to feed her bc I couldn't handle it anymore! Ayden and London are totally in love with her! I have to constantly be watching where London is because she is always trying to get into the crib with Brie while Brie is napping. (this has not happened bc I follow her into the room and witness the whole thing so nobody freak out!) Ayden is always asking if he can give her a "soft " kiss which is so sweet of him. "Soft" has become the most overused word in our house lately! Every sentence ends or begins with soft! London kisses with her tongue so that is interesting with a baby who is routing around! Overall the adjustment has been amazing, a little tweeking here or there but over all our little family( that has grown at a rapid rate) is doing really really well! I just don't plan on going to the store by myself with 3 kids anytime soon!